Can international terrorism ever be eliminated?

There have been a lot of discussion and debates about international terrorism can ever be eliminated or not. I think that international terrorism can eliminated perfectly for the following three reasons.
Firstly governments all over the world are cooperated steadily to make world safe.

For,example governments try to reduce poverty. Crime rate is dropping continuously by their effort.

Governments are improving world living level to make people happy.

Secondly people is used to allow diversities.

For,example international marriages become popular. In addition, many people recognize LGBT is one of the gender types.

And so, diversities become common senses.

Thirdly, high technology prevent the terrorism.

For,example cyber police can detect the plan of the terrorism proactively. Many security cameras are observed the safe in the city.

Terrorism can not be proceeded easily under the observation of the technology.

In conclusion, for above mentioned three reasons , I agree international terrorism can ever be eliminated.


Can international terrorism ever be eliminated?

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There have been a lot of discussion and debates about " ". I think that "sentence + agree or disagree" for the following three reasons.
Firstly " ".

For,example " ". " ".

" Repeat first reason by other words"

Secondly " ".

For,example " ". " "

" Repeat second reason by other words"

Thirdly, " ".

For,example " ". " ".

" Repeat third reason by other words"

In conclusion,For above mentioned three reasons , I "agree or disagree" this theme.

Section 4

I almost give up to study english for Eiken just one day... Vocabularies are too difficult. I've changed my focus section, section 4. Writing. I should read the recent topics on the news papers. I'm subscribing the web magazine, Rakuten. There are some english magazines. "TIME" is good for catching up the recent topic of the world. After reading some topic, I'll try to write a summary on this blog.

section 1


My level for section 1 is 0%. All vocabularies are too difficult. I couldn't understand any words. My choice is only one that I wait for God to bless me. I shocked to realize the difference between grade 1st and grade pre-1st. Are their words normal? My career of studying English is over 20 years. I got depressed.

I purchased the text book at the end of last year for vocabulary building, but I haven't opened it yet. I should start to study it. Just one month for preparing the test. I don't have enough time to improve my vocabulary level 100%.... Never mind. The challenge is the best way to improve me. PMA! "Positive Mental Attitude" by BRAHMAN who is the Japanese singer.

Section 2 and 3 are so-so. I don't think their level is too high. Section 4 is also similar. If the border of the test score is 70%, my recent level is 30%. Ha-ha! Not 0%. Humm... The level of Eiken Grade 1 is enough high to challenge.

I'll update the essay for the trial of the section 4 daily. I swear! Must, perhaps, maybe, ... if possible. Please wait for my next update.